
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Business after college education

A fresh graduate from college has a big way ahead.  There are two options at his hand ‘to work for someone or to be on his own’.  Real thinking needs to be done to choose one option or the other.  Those who like to play safe would most probably choose to work while some with risking inclination would go for entrepreneurial way and start their own business.  
There could be many reasons for the young to start on their own, but surely there will be an inspiration for their goal.  The inspiration could be Bill Gates,  Anji Reddy, Brian Wong, Ms.Carol Tice, JRD Tata, Dheerubhai Ambani and the list is not limited to these only.
What you need to start on your own?
If you want to start a small business on your own, you need to make a business plan, make some finance related decisions, fulfill local govt. requirements, marketing your product and finally delivering the product pleasing your customers.

What ever the ideas you have may be, put all of them on a paper and analyse them carefully till you get a feasible business idea.  Then devise a plan based on the idea to make is sustainable in terms of time and money.  you got a basic business plan for the kick start.
Raising start-up capital is becoming relatively easier due to the large number of venture capitalists surging apart from recent aggressive banking.  If you got a feasible business plan, it’s no difficult to obtain a bank loan.  As you make trails for the loan, you also need to take care of local govt. requirements for your proposed business.
The execution of the business plan is utmost important than establishing the business.  For this one needs to concentrate a lot on the product marketing.  You should have a executable marketing strategy for your product which results in attracting and keeping your customers.   The more satisfied your customers are, the more profitable your business would be.
Never mind you just graduated from the college, gear up for the growth and success race by becoming yourself a model entrepreneur.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Cold storage feasibility report


India is a very big country with vast variety of soils.  Variety of fruits and vegetables are produced seasonally.  Fish, etc.,  are another source of seafood from vast marine zone available.  Thus the produced being perishable in nature needs to be stored properly for the non-seasons.    Present production of these perishable commodities in India is more than 130 million tons, but about 22% of this product is estimated to be perished.  Keeping in view of the population growth in india, it is utmost important to utilize these perishable commodities with cent percent efficiency as the demand is ever increasing.

Cold storages are the prime infrastructure for these perishable commodities preservation.  Establishment of cold storages help the nation in controlling the market prices and also the farmer is benefitted as his produce gets a suitable market at a later time.  Commercially apples, potatoes, dry chillies, jiggery, oranges and eggs are stored on large scale.  Other processed or semi processed foods like fruit juices, fish, meat, dry fruits are also stored in clod sotrages.

Cold storages are essential for the preservation of perishable commodities.  These can solve bottlenecks in transportation, marketing period, processing delays.  The development of cold storages thus have important role in wastage control of perishable commodities and market price control.

There is sufficient demand for the cold storage industry in india including the remote villages.  The Villages welcome cold storages as they could better their future.
Storages spaces are segregated based on the temperatures maintained.  Well insulated chambers of ceiling and partition walls a must as the efficiency depend directly on the insulation quality.  Wooden crates or bags used to store the goods and the temperature and humidity in chambers is to be maintained based on the stored product.

300days per anum of three shift working as due to continued storage of products.
Chambers or rented out to farmers or traders.
Ice Block manufacturing is planned as an ancillary.
Ammonia Refrigeration Plan is considered.
400sq.m area with built up area of 250sq.m.  for storage and utilities.

Cold storage plants are available with suitable capacities on turnkey basis. 
Though there is no raw materials required for the process, maintenance consumables required.
Power requirement would be 60HP; 100qmec pump set; diesel generator for power interruptions
Manpower requirement as the unit being labor oriented.  Office furniture, fixtures, security arrangements
Estimated capital investment: approximately INR72,00,000
Estimated Cost of production Per anum INR 18,96,000/-
Estimated sales income of 100T @ 2,200 & ice 60T @2,000 : INR40,80,000
Profit per anum INR 28,08,580/- & Net Profit Ratio 9.8%

For more details and help you shall contact

Friday, October 18, 2013

HDPE/PP Woven Sacks Project Feasibility Report


HDPE/PP packing materials have become popular on account of their inertness to chemical, moisture and resistance to fungus and rotting.  They are light in weight and withstand stringent conditions than conventional bags.  Compared to jute the prices are stable and competitive.

The major users of HDPE/PP woven sacks are fertilizer, sugar, cattle feed, cement.  Starches, pesticides, detergents and many other industrial bulk items are also being packed in woven sacks.  HDPE strips also used for deck chairs, etc.  PP strips used for marine rope manufacturing.

With the introduction of circular looms, cost of production has come down drastically and making these sack more preferable now.  Demand is ever growing with more and more factories preferring woven sacks for packaging.  90% of the production is consumed in the domestic industry while a little is being imported to border countries.

First the tape is produced through the tape extrusion machine.  This tape is fed to knitting machine to form cloth on circular weaving machine.  Cloth thus formed is cut to required dimensions and stitched to size.  Printing is also done as per requirement if planned.
IS standards to be maintained meeting customer requirements.

Unit runs on single shift 25days per month; Wastage of raw materials estimated to be around 2%; Number of bags per kg depending on the density used; uninterrupted power availability is assumed.
450 MT production capacity estimated to be economically viable for a small scale industry.

1500 sq.m with built up area 500sq.m for plant & equipment.

Tape extruder; Chease winders with shutters – 8nos.; Circular weaving machine; heavy duty sewing machine-6 ; multi-color printing machine; weighing machines; lab equipment
40T HDPE/PP granules; printing accessories; packing accessories.
Office furniture; 11kva transformer; Electricity & water
Office expenses; insurance, etc.
Estimated capital investment: approximately INR 3,31,95,000/-
Estimated Cost of production Per anum INR 3,48,40,000/-
Estimated sales income of 350T : INR4,16,16,000/-
Profit per anum INR 67,76,000/- & Net Profit Ratio 16.28%
RATE OF RETURNS :   20.4 %
BREAK EVEN POINT :   B.E.P  51.83%
For more details and help you shall contact

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Project Feasibility Report Tamarind Concentrate


Tamarind is a daily used kitchen ingredient in India. Though the dried fruit is not directly used, its pulp is widely used in food preparations. It is used in food and snack preparations to impart sour taste. States like Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, UP, Tamilnadu, Karnataka and Orissa are the major producers of tamarind.
With increased hygiene consciousness and ease of use in urban india, the use of tamarind concentrate is gaining market.

Tamarind is commonly used in food preparations and many types of snacks. Restaurants, caterers, hostels, canteens and food processors are the bulk consumers of tamarind paste. Because of high acidity, tamarind paste has longer pot life. While most of the tamarind fruits are consumed in the domestic market a little is exported and or concentrate is prepared.

Apart from the growing domestic market, there is much potential to export it to countries like USA, UK, Middle east and Africa.

Clean and dried fruits are soaked in water for one hour. Then the whole stock is heated in a S.S. Jacketed Kettle for an hour. The pulp is extracted in a pulper and then filtered to obtain the required quality concentrate. The residue is recycled into the process and further concentrate is extracted. The final pulp is packed in suitable containers or a polypack.

Compliance under FPA Act is mandatory for the final product.

This is a batch process unit. Hence the proposed unit is for 2 shifts a day and 300 working days. A baby boiler is required and any local law applicable needs to be taken into consideration for the plant.

The unit is planned for the production of 150 tons per anum.

1000 Sq.m area with 200sq.m built up area for plant housing.

SS Jacketed Kettle; baby boiler; pulper; weighing & packing m/c; Storage bins

Tamarind fruits - 24tons/month; Packing tins

15HP electric power supply

Office establishment, transportation, material handling

Estimated capital investment: approximately INR48,20,000/-

Estimated Cost of production Per anum INR 69,54,000/-

Estimated sales income of 180T @ 52,000: INR93,60,000/-

Profit per anum INR 24,06,000/- & Net Profit Ratio 26%


For more details and help you shall contact

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Welcome budding entrepreneurs

Hi budding techoncrats!

Good news for you all from LOTUS LINKS.

As a proven technocrats team, LOTUS LINKS once again decided to continue supporting budding entrepreneurs with reports for execution. Though its not possible to pay 100% attention to individuals needs, LOTUS LINKS decided this time to spend specific time in working with new talented individuals.

Due to numerous mails we recieve from interested individuals without firm decisions, it is hard to identify those are in real need. Hence we advise those in real need only to contact us for eloborate reports.

Once again assuring you our best support,

Chief Executive,
Lotus Links

Planning Home Based Business

Planning Home based Business

“Plans are of little importance but planning is essential – Winston Churchill”

Without planning nothing is achieved and every individual in pursuit of their day to day activities knowingly or unknowingly make planning. Perhaps you want to buy a mobile phone today is your plan. Certain steps are taken in order to buy mobile phone. First you would Google for mobile phone models and shops in your area. Then you would make your choice of model you like. You then decide how you reach the shop and may be with one of your friends. You and your friend decide on a suitable time and transport to shop. The procedure for accomplishing the plan is planning which defines how you are going to do it.

Even for buying an item you are making a planning. What if you want to sell, not one item but many items of the same kind? Do you need planning? You definitely need one.

If it is a big establishment or business there will be professionals doing the planning. But when you want to start home based business you need to do it mostly on your own. Hence it is very much necessary to understand various aspects of planning which would help you make your own planning for a successful home based business.

You got a home based business idea means you got a plan. Next is to make a planning for achievement. For that you need to assess whether the idea is good one? A simple feasibility study could help your plan. There are three steps in planning to know whether your business idea is a good one or not. First, is there a market for your product? Second, can you sell it and make money? And third, how much competition you would be facing?

STEP1 MARKET RESEARCH - You got buyers for your product?
Home based business is typical compared to other business establishments. No doubt your personal rapport is important to sell but you need to know whether you are offering product that your customers really need? You cannot sell trekking gadgets in a beach area. If your product satisfies the unmet need of your customers, the success rate of your business is good.

There is an old marketing adage that states, “It costs ten times more money to get a new customer, than to retain an existing one”. Another thing to consider is whether your product or service has something that will encourage a customer to return. Find ways to continually drive your existing customers back to you for service updates, refills, etc. Repeated customers ensure that your business anchors into deep success.

STEP2 PRICING PROCEDURE – Is your product profitable?

The goal of any business is to make a profit. When setting up a business, consideration should be made on how to price the product according to what the market will bear. Pricing is a pretty simple issue. Customer will not pay a single penny more than its true value.
For a successful home based business, the offered service or product price is to be decided based on the cost of production plus the profit margin and also the customer. If the customer is not ready to pay for services or product at the minimum estimated price based on your costs and profit margin then the feasibility of the business is in question. If the customer is ready to pay more than the minimum estimated pricing then sure the intended home based business would be successful. Set product pricing based on feasibility study to make a more sustainable and profitable business. Profit motive should be optimum and not maximum for a successful business.
STEP3 BUSINESS COMPETITION – Are you into a pricing race?
"Never fear of facing competition because it makes you better. – Vason M".

When there is hectic competition, first question comes up is who is cheaper? Some times this price war may turn bloody requiring you to make an aggressive decision. Don’t think that reducing the price is always the solution. An aggressive decision could be to keep the price as it is and to promote the positive differences of your product compares to others. Some customers are more interested in quality or a company’s experience. Refining your product and your marketing strategy can help compete for a customer segment not interested in buying solely off price.

Understanding the above three steps you can prepare the methodology or essential planning. And in addition you can evolve a feasibility study from the collected information and devise a successful home based business plan for yourself.